Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Type and Image: Everest Book Format

Project 4 for Image making is going to be a series of 4 books that pertain to different aspects of our icon narratives. All the classes are sort of forming into a super project from our icons in Visual Communications. But we are redesigning the covers of 4 books and designing them using digital photography and montage. An icon will also be present on each book from our set.

So this is the books size/ template I'll be using for the Dust Jacket designs.

I'm thinking about doing author information and a book description on the inside flaps of the dust jacket, but I'm not sure yet. I might rather leave those for the design, we'll see. From here I'll start a series of sketches for possible design ideas. I know I want the series to be cohesive, and I want some shared element between the spines of the books. This way, when they are all set up next to each other, the spines will share a continued graphic. I'll post some inspiration for book covers later as well.

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