Tuesday, November 10, 2009

VisCom: Taxonomy Proposal

For my mark making book, I'll be doing a traditional Japanese bind. The pages will hold a few icons, allowing for a smaller and more weildly size for the book.  I'll drill press the holes through a sort of high quality drawing paper to allow labeling for pages that need any. Probably Strathomore.  The color scheme will be neutral, and depending on the restrictions for the books cover, I might do some printing on the cover paper. 

The Taxonomy of the book will be classified in the following ways:

1. Natural or Manmade Tool
2. Geometric or Organic Shape
3. Denotation of Insect, Geometric Form, or Unknown
4. Connotations negative, nuetral, or positive in appearance.


  1. Sounds like you have 4 "chapters" or sections
    1. Natural & Manmade Tool
    2. Geometric & Organic Shape

    And then several sub-sections in each:
    3. Denotation of Insect, Geometric Form, & Unknown (replace unknown with specific category)
    4. Connotations negative, neutral, & positive in appearance.

    Consider how you can define these chapters and sub-sections both visually and structurally in the book (and for individual marks).

    The black background is overly dominating.

  2. The black was only to show the book format, I won't be using black as the page value. I should've considered that coming across though in my image, thanks for the heads up.

